From Kirkwall to Aglath 20 min (13.8 miles)
From Kirkwall head west on the A965 towards Stromness for 12 miles.
Turn left on the A964 signposted Houton.for 1.6 miles.
Turn left signposted Aglath for 0.2 miles to the end of the road Aglath no2. KW16 3HA.
From Stromness Ferry to Aglath 8 min (4.2 miles)
Turn right onto Ferry Rd for 0.3 ml
At the roundabout turn right at the third exit onto Cairston Rd.
Continue onto Howe Rd 1.2 ml.
Turn right onto A965 0.4 ml.
Turn right onto A964 for 1.6ml
Turn left signposted Aglath for 0.2 miles to end of road Aglath no 2
KW16 3HA
When using Google maps enter 2 Aglath in search box.
When using post code (KW16 3HA) due to inexact geographical locations for satellite navigation systems, do the following:-
From your sat nav location head north along A964 (sea on left) for 1/2 mile. Aglath will then be on your right behind a large white house with trees.